Today’s topic is: Being left out.
Being left out from something sucks. There isn’t a better way to say it. It sucks and it’s very painful when it happens multiple times over a long time.
Have you ever seen a post on someone’s Instagram or on someone’s Snapchat story of everyone but you at an event?
Most people have had the experience above and this can cause self - esteem issues, mental stress on looking ‘perfect’ and personality changes. All these things can occur because people think they’re not good enough to be invited somewhere.
Believe me, I know how this feels. I have been left out too many times to count.
Many of my ‘friends’ used to decide to have sleepovers and parties and never invite me and because of this I used to think I was never enough.
Never pretty enough, never perfect enough, never good enough.
This built up in my head, every event I was never good enough for.
Eventually, I cracked. I was so upset with this occurrence so I decided to distance myself from the ‘friends’ and I decided to get closer with those who I had overlooked because the other group looked down their noses at them.
Turns out the people who were looked at as ‘not enough’ were enough for me.
They were the best people I had ever had the pleasure to meet.
They invited me to every party and every sleepover.
They thought I was pretty enough.
They thought I was perfect enough.
They thought I was good enough.
The life lesson I’m trying to get across here is that many people feel left out. Maybe, if everyone who has ever felt left out could try to help someone else who feels left out, people might feel better.
I’m not saying that everyone should invite everyone to a party - unless you throw HUGE parties - but maybe invite someone to sit with you at lunch or other small acts of kindness.
Kindness costs nothing.
Bye lovelies,
Booklife x
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